RBL President Michael Lyons Legacy and Invitation to Veterans to Westminster Abbey

Michael Lyons, President of the New Addington Branch of the Royal British Legion passed away recently at the age of 91. Michael served in the Surrey Regiment and the 3rd Battalion of the Parachute Regiment, including war service in Korea.
Micheal did a great deal for veterans in Croydon, in New Addington particularly. He campaigned for repairing school war memorials, and for seeking out and securing the repair of the gravestones of servicemen who had won the Victoria cross. For over 10 years he fought to have veterans who had died whilst in mental institutions (suffering from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, then called "shellshock") properly recognised. In particular he succesfully campaigned for a memorial for the 26 soldiers buried at Cain Hill, Coulsdon. Our condolences go to Michaels friends and family.
Our local newspaper published an article about the campaign to have the Cain Hill soldiers remembered which you can read here.
Prior to his death Michael had been working with his local Member of Parliament, Natasha Irons, to arrange a special candle lighting ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Warrior in Westminster Abbey which will take place on 26th March. Those wanting to attend the ceremony should e-mail steve@croydonveterans.org.uk